Maquahuitl aztec sword

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  • Maquahuitl (Aztec Sword) SOLD

    This is a Maquahuitl, which is essentially an Aztec broad sword that was used in prehistory in warfare.  This weapon that could inflict incredibly devastating wounds to an enemy.  This one was made by my good friend Dan Spier.  This is a flattened, wooden paddle that has obsidian blades secured along each edge.  The only difference between this Maquahuitl and the original ones is that this one has bifacially flaked obsidian blades instead of the bladelets that were used in the original Maquahuitls made by the Aztecs.  The obsidian blades in this weapon aren’t quite as sharp as the bladelets, but make no mistake…this weapon is just as deadly as the original ones.  The bifacially flaked obsidian edges in this one are more durable and aren’t as easily chipped or dulled as actual bladelets.  This sword is 28 inches in long total length.

    This Aztec sword must be handled very carefully!  Customer assumes all responsibilities with this product.

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