Ishi arrow

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  • Sierra Miwok Arrow Replica 1


    This beautiful arrow is a spot-on, museum-quality replica of one that’s part of a set of Miwok arrows from central California that are currently held in the Smithsonian’s collections. Every intricate detail of the original arrow is faithfully copied on this replica.

    The shaft is made from a beautifully straight Oceanspray shoot. It’s tipped with an obsidian point that copies the unique shape of the obsidian points that were on the original arrows I examined. The point is held with pine pitch glue and then wrapped on with deer sinew.

    The fletch is 3 turkey tail feathers that are wrapped on both ends with deer sinew and glued to the shaft with hide glue, just like the originals. The paint design exactly copies the original arrows.

    Look closely at the shaft under the feathers and also behind the point…you’ll notice very fine rings sanded into the shaft that resemble threads on a machine screw. These same rings were present on the original arrows, and they’re a very common feature of Miwok arrows, as well as Hupa and Yurok arrows from farther north. These rings are created by sanding with horsetail rush. Creating these grooves is a time-consuming and painstaking operation.

    Arrow Specs:  Replica Sierra Miwok arrow from central California, oceanspray shoot, earth pigment paints, obsidian tip, 28″ long.  Shipped in sturdy PVC pipe to ensure safe delivery to your door.