gunther barbed point

Showing all 9 results

  • Glass Gunther Point


    A pretty Gunther Barbed point made of opalized glass.

  • Grey Gunther Barbed Arrowhead SOLD

    This exquisite Gunther Barbed arrowhead is made of smooth grey Texas flint with long, very sharp barbs and a needle-sharp tip.  It has finely serrated edges that are so sharp they feel sticky when your finger is drawn across them.  It has long, delicate barbs that are the classic trait of this type of arrow point.  Some people assume these points were used for fishing due to the long barbs, but in reality blood protein analysis of old original points prove that these exquisite arrow points were used for hunting big game like deer, elk, and bighorn sheep.  Free shipping to US customers.

  • Gunther Barbed Arrowhead (SOLD)

    This small but deadly Gunther Barbed point is made from a piece of pink coastal plains flint and has long barbs, finely serrated edges and a needle sharp tip.

    Arrowhead Specs:  1 5/8″ long x 1 5/8″ wide.  Free shipping on this item to any US destinations.

  • Gunther Barbed Point

    Gunther Barbed Arrowhead 2 SOLD

    A beautiful Gunther Barbed point made of dark red coastal plains flint.

  • Gunther Barbed Point (NEW!)


    This pretty Gunther Barbed point is made of red coastal plains flint.  It has finely serrated edges that are very sharp and needle sharp tip and barbs.  This point has asymmetrical barbs, which is very much in line with how the authentic Gunther points look like.

  • Gunther Barbed Point (NEW!)


    This Gunther Barbed arrowhead is made of smooth grey Texas flint and is based on authentic Gunther points from the west coast.  It has both needle sharp barbs and tip and has a fine serrations that are wicked sharp.  Due to the shape of the flake that was made into the point, the barbs are somewhat asymmetrical and that’s another common feature with the authentic points.  It’s thin, flat, and would be lethal on big game…just like the old ones were.  Free shipping within the U.S.

  • Gunther Barbed Point 1 SOLD

    This beautiful little Gunther Barbed point is made of heat treated agatized coral from Florida.  It’s translucent white with a splash of yellow-brown on one edge.  It’s finely serrated and possesses very sharp edges.  I took a deer with an almost identical point of similar size several years ago, so these points have proved their effectiveness on big game.

    Arrowhead Specs:  1 1/4″ long, 7/8″ wide.  Free Shipping!

  • Gunther Barbed Point 3


    A colorful Gunther Barbed point made of Flint Ridge flint.

  • gunther barbed point

    Little Gunther Barbed Point


    This small but exquisite Gunther Barbed point is made of coastal plains flint, but it has the same color as the jasper that many authentic Gunther Barbed points are made from. It’s flat, thin, and has very clean flaking on both faces of the point.  Despite its small size, arrow points of this size were commonly used in prehistory for hunting big game like deer and bighorn sheep.

    Free shipping to all destinations within the U.S.