
This obsidian knife is based on authentic Hupa Indian knives from Northern California. This knife has an obsidian blade set into a handle of Pacific yew. The handle has both the lighter sapwood and darker heartwood. That has significance since the Hupa also made their exquisite paddle bows from Pacific yew. The rounded shape of the knife blade works perfectly with the natural pivot of our wrists to maximize the efficiency of the knife’s ability to remove the skin from large game like deer. Total length of knife is 7 1/4 inches long. Free shipping to all US customers.

This simple but effective stone skinning knife has a short, rounded blade of dacite that’s ergonomically designed to capitalize on the natural pivot of your wrist to maximize the knife’s effectiveness. The handle is made from a piece of crepe myrtle, a dense and durable white wood.
When using this knife, your initial incisions will need to be made with a sharp steel knife (these would have been made with razor sharp stone flakes in prehistory). Once those incisions are made, that’s where this hafted stone knife comes in. The sharp, serrated edge is ideal for separating the connective tissue between the skin and carcass of the animal. But it’s not so sharp that it will slice the skin, making it the fastest and most efficient way to skin a medium or large sized animal while maintaining the integrity of the the hide. The rounded blade shape works perfectly with the natural pivot of your wrist to maximize the cutting ability of the knife. Free shipping.