Primitive Pathways!

Paiute Bow and Arrows

and Arrow Video just released!
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Contact Information
Open Hours
Daily: 9.30 AM–6.00 PM
Sunday : 9.30 AM - 1.00PM
Holidays: Closed
Acworth, GA
Speak with us!
Email: bigbad93@aol.com
Cell: 678-493-5092
Upcoming Exhibitions

Mother's Day Pow-Wow Boling Park, Canton, GA
May 10 – May 11, 2025

More Events Coming Soon

More Events Coming Soon
Experience the Newest Adventure from Primitive Pathways:
The Northern Paiute Bow and Arrows
We’re excited to announce the newest video release from Primitive Pathways: Making the Northern Paiute Bow and Arrows! This 2-hour adventure required over five and a half years to produce and is the most labor intensive video we’ve ever made. In this video you’ll be privilege to some very rare Northern Paiute archery artifacts. Then you’ll learn every step in constructing your own replica Great Basin hunting bow based on those artifacts. The bow and arrows below is one of those replicas.
You’ll get a master class from master archers Steve Allely and Billy Berger as they team up to share their expertise in bow making and archaeological reconstruction. With their completed replicas, Billy and Steve complete the circle by embarking on numerous small game hunts with their replica Paiute archery gear. You’ll experience non-stop hunting action in the pursuit of wild game with actual Great Basin hunting equipment. Available in DVD and digital download. Click here to order.
Expert Members

Billy Berger
Survivalist and primitive skills expert. Primitive bowhunter and star of Discovery Channel's I, Caveman and Naked And Afraid, Beware the Bayou. Freelance author of numerous magazine articles on primitive bowhunting. Owner and web content manager for the official Primitive Pathways website and the Primitive Pathways YouTube channel.

Savannah Hunter
Bowhunter, artist and custom jewelry maker. Loves to hunt, eats hot wings like there's no tomorrow, and is hopelessly addicted to Nerds candy and Conversation Hearts. Visit her website for custom jewelry by clicking on her photo.

Steve Allely
Master artist, bow maker, and flintknapper. Co-author of the Traditional Bowyer's Bibles and the foremost authority of weaponry of Native American tribes of the Pacific Northwest. Click on Steve's photo to shop his beautiful arrowhead art.

Who's this guy?
They keep putting this weirdo all over my website. Go back to Creeperville where you came from or I'll knock a dent in your forehead with a jackstand!